Before you start you will need a few things in-order to shine your shoes. First you will want to get a tin of wax-based Polish, a welt brush, horsehair buffing brush, a polishing cloth, and a good old toothbrush. When you have gotten all the need supplies and have grabbed your shoes you are ready to get started.
First: you will want to wipe down the shoes with a damp cloth freeing it of all dirt and dust, be sure to scrub out with a welt brush the welt strip also. You will want a clean shoe before you start to shine it.
Second: It's now time to apply the polish, grab your polish cloth and apply sparingly by wrapping the cloth around two fingers. Apply in a circular rubbing motion until it develops a waxy, matte finish. If you want to "spit-shine" just dip the cloth into some water and this will help the polish stuff the leather. When done let the polish dry for about five minutes.
Third: Now it's time to buff the shoe, take your horsehair buffing brush and buff the entire shoe and just when you think you should stop buffing keep buffing for another five to ten minutes. To get even more shine use a clean cloth to buff afterwards by placing the shoe between your knees and buff the toe.
Forth: Grab you old toothbrush and use it to apply polish to the welt and edge of the heel. Then take your buffing brush and dust off any excess polish and your are now ready to wear your shoes in style.
Men of all size,deserve to dress in style.
Lil' John